January 12, 2023

Our search for the best in AGV manufacturing technology led us to Sweden and MAX-AGV, a world-leader in industrial autonomous guided vehicles or automatic/automated guided vehicles.

MAX AGV have been in the business for as long as we have, celebrating over 30+ years of experience delivering robust AGV technology systems. MAX AGV combines Swedish design ingenuity and a commitment to ongoing R&D with robust manufacturing and safety standards.

The company provides standard solutions for most types of common industrial ‘transporters’ e.g., forklifts, roller conveyors, chain conveyors, fork spreads, side shifts, table lifts and support legs. Vehicles are customisable with various navigation options – including laser guided vehicles (LGV), contour/ range-sensing, magnetic and optical – with interfacing, and load handling technologies.

Safety is paramount with AGVs sharing workspace with people and infrastructure. MAX AGV vehicles are equipped with a range of safety features, including laser positioning, motion and load sensors, bumpers and side protection and over-ride and alarm features. The company promotes highest quality manufacturing standards and all supplied AGVs are CE compliance certified.

Revolutionary AGV control system

What makes MAX AGV stand out from others is the revolutionary proprietary operational AGV control system that, being Windows-based, is easy to configure and does not require robotic programming expertise.

The MAX AGV ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEM provides a 3-D visualisation in real-time of your logistics and handling operation, optimising everything from transport and warehousing, load tracking, buffering and order swapping to optimal dynamic route selection, location selection, charge control, priorities, and dead lock prevention.

The user-friendly interface is easy to learn, configure and use, allowing customers to make changes ‘on the fly’.

The MAX AGV Control System is operational via PC, tablet and smartphone.

Need to know more?

Our partnership with MAX AGV enables single-source AGV equipment supply and installation, and consistency in aftermarket support.

Contact Us to learn more about how a MAX AGV can transform your operation. 

Download brochure. MAX-AGV Range

Find out more about MAX AGV

Max-AGV (AGV - Automated Guided Vehicles)